Sunday, June 24, 2007

Kids say the darndest things

Being a mother of 2 and an older sister to a now 6 year old, I knew this day would come. My son who is almost three has become very very verbal. He began speaking fairly early and seems to absorb everything he hears so it's not surprising, that now his vocabulary is extensive.
Yesterday, we were in the grocery store and I was looking to buy ice cream ( not that it matters what I was doing) and my son i in the back of the cart waiting patiently with his daddy and sister. ( 9 months old) the aisle that we are in is packed with people and just as a couple walk by he shouts ( although I am very close to him) "Mommy, Mommy.....I FARTED!!!" The couple ( who obviously doesn't have kids) got a look on their faces that said they wanted to laugh but felt they shouldn't. What did I do? I said " thank you for sharing that with me....and everyone else honey" Then I did what anyone else would do, I laughed uncontrollably. I mean this is what kids do. There is no way I could get upset at that. We went to the Dr. for his sister the other day. Since they share the same Dr. the Dr. asked him for a hug, and he says no. She asks him again, and he walks up to me and says " mommy, i don't like her" Now, the Dr. isn't the one who gives him the shots, but needless to say, she wasn't getting a hug from him that day.
Right now, it's all fun and games, and I look forward to his little outbursts, so that on prom night I can embarrass him, by telling these stories to his date. We will see how I feel, when we are in a store and he shouts " mommy, she's fat!"

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