Monday, June 11, 2007

Mondegreen ( incorrect lyrics)

I bet you didn't know that all those wrong lyrics you belt out in the shower actually have a name: Mondegreen To give credit where it's due, Sylvia Wright, as a child heard a poem as a child "They had slain the Earl of Moray/And the lady of Mondegreen. (Actual Lyrics "they had slain the Earl of Moray/And laid him on the green." So here are a few of my ( and I'm sure your) Mondegreens, feel free to add more.

Shakira ft. Wyclef:"You make a brotha wanna see spandex" (curtosy of my hubby)
Actual Lyrics:"You make a brotha wanna speak spanish"

Elton John: " Hold me closer Tony Danza"
Actual Lyrics: "Hold me closer tiny dancer"

Michael Jackson: " Thiller, Thiller Knife"
Actual Lyrics: "Thiller Thiller Night"

George Michael: "If you were the dentist, I'd be the sea"
Actual Lyrics: "If you were the desert, I'd be the sea"

Earth Wind and Fire : "Do you remember?.blahblahblah September!"

And does anyone really know what the hell Aretha Franklin is saying: "R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me, R-E-S-P-E-C-T....???????"
I'm utterly clueless to that one.
The funny thing about these, is even after you learn the proper words to the song, you will find that you will forever sing them "your way" so go ahead, with my blessing at least, roll down your windows and let tony danza hold you closer, be my dentist, watch out for that thiller knife and blah blah blah to Aretha with the rest of us!

1 comment:

William Levin said...

Take care, TCB (taking care of business?)
Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me ...

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